Privacy Notice for Stibo Systems A/S (DK)

Politik om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger

Stibo Systems værner om dit privatliv. Denne politik om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger dækker, hvad vi indsamler, og hvordan vi bruger, videregiver, overfører og gemmer dine personoplysninger.


Stibo Systems Global Headquarters
Axel Kiers Vej 11
DK-8270 Højbjerg

Find alle vores kontorer

Hvis du ønsker at indsende en forespørgsel vedrørende beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger eller sikkerhed, bedes du udfylde formularen på denne side.


Målet for Stibo Systems og dets datterselskaber og tilknyttede virksomheder (samlet kaldet "Stibo Systems") er at give dig en personlig internetoplevelse, som leverer de oplysninger, ressourcer og tjenester, der er mest relevante og nyttige for dig. For at nå dette mål kan vi indsamle personlige data under dine besøg for at forstå, hvad der adskiller dig fra vores andre brugere. Denne erklæring om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger angiver praksis for indsamling og formidling af oplysninger fra Stibo Systems i forbindelse med og alle andre World Wide Web-steder, som ejes eller drives af Stibo Systems (samlet benævnt "Webstedet").


Du genererer data, når du gennemser Stibo Systems-webstedet eller indsender formularer og giver samtykke til at modtage marketingmateriale, nyhedsbreve eller andre former for kommunikation. Listen nedenfor viser den typ personoplysninger, der er logføres eller sendes til Stibo Systems, når du bruger webstedet.

  • IP- eller MAC-adresse.

  • Besøgstidspunkt og henvisningssted (f.eks. webstedet eller siden, der tilbød et link til en Stibo Systems-side).

  • Søgedata, statistiske data og aggregerede data om dine sidebesøg.

  • Browser- og enhedsoplysninger.

  • Oplysninger om samtykke indsendt via webstedet.

Når du sender en onlineformular, får vi de oplysninger, du giver. Dette vil typisk være dit navn, e-mail-adresse, telefonnummer, titel og det firma, du repræsenterer.


  • Til at personliggøre din oplevelse på vores websted og give dig relevant information.

  • Til løbende at optimere og forbedre vores websted og indhold baseret på de oplysninger og feedback, vi modtager fra dig og din aktivitet på vores websted.

  • Til at administrere samtykke og abonnementer på vores adresselister.

  • Til at svare på anmodninger, der modtages via webstedet.


Når vi behandler personoplysninger, er det enten baseret på dit samtykke eller en legitim interesse. Der kan også være tilfælde, hvor behandling af dine oplysninger er nødvendig for udførelsen af en kontrakt, som du er part i, eller for at træffe foranstaltninger på din anmodning, inden du indgår en kontrakt, jvf. GDPR. pkt. 6(1)(a)-(b)-(f).

Vi behandler personoplysninger til visse legitime forretningsformål, der omfatter nogle af eller alle de følgende:

  • hvor behandlingen giver os mulighed for at forbedre, ændre, personliggøre eller på anden måde forbedre vores tjenester/kommunikation til gavn for vores kunder.

  • for at opnå en bedre forståelse af, hvordan kunderne interagerer med vores websted.

  • for at bestemme effektiviteten af reklamekampagner og annoncer.

Vi værdsætter dine data og respekterer dit privatliv. Når behandlingen er baseret på samtykke, kan du når som helst trække dit samtykke tilbage ved at bruge den afmeldingsfunktion, som du finder nederst i al vores marketingkommunikation, eller du kan blot følge dette link og bruge vores kontaktformular. Tilbagetrækning af dit samtykke påvirker ikke lovligheden af behandlingen inden tilbagetrækningen.


Stibo Systems hverken sælger, handler eller på anden måde overfører personligt identificerbare oplysninger til tredjeparter, vi ikke har tillid til. I de fleste tilfælde bruger vi anonyme data i vores webstedsanalyseplatforme. Til tider kan personoplysninger, såsom en IP-adresse, blive indsamlet via Stibo Systems-webstedet og blive delt med tredjeparter, vi har tillid til, for at hjælpe med den daglige drift og forbedring af vores websted.

Til disse formål overleverer vi data om IP-adresser, Mac-adresser og andre identifikationsdata om enheder, der bruges til at få adgang til vores websteder. Nogle af disse tjenester, se listen nedenfor, er baseret i USA, som ikke er vurderet af EUs databeskyttelsesråd til at have implementeret tilstrækkelig databeskyttelseslovgivning i forhold til EU's databeskyttelsesstandarder i lande uden for EU/EØS USA-baserede tredjeparter, der er involveret i Stibo Systems, skal dog enten være selvcertificerede i henhold til EU-US Privacy Shield-ordningen eller overholde standardkontraktbestemmelser for at opfylde kravene til et land uden for EU/EØS.

Personoplysninger deles kun efter behov, og kun med pålidelige tredjeparter, der er kontraktmæssigt forpligtet til at holde personoplysninger fortrolige samt til at overholde kravene og forpligtelserne ved at være databehandler.

Vi anvender følgende tjenester og cookies fra tredjeparter, vi har tillid til:

Google Analytics: Til websteds- og brugerstatistik

HotJar: Til avanceret brugerstatistik og feedback

Wistia: Til videoanalyse

Hubspot: Til samtykkehåndtering, webstedsanalyse og abonnementer

Salesforce: Til håndtering af kunderelationer

Communigator: Til information om IP-virksomhedsnavngivning

PathFactory: Til indholdsanalyse


Vi opbevarer personoplysninger om kunder, partnere og entreprenører i vores CRM-system i den periode, hvor vi har en forretningsrelation med dig eller det firma, du repræsenterer. Vi opbevarer disse oplysninger, indtil vi ikke længere har et forretningsformål med at opretholde relationen, eller hvis du beder os om at slette dem, medmindre vi har en juridisk forpligtelse til at gemme oplysningerne i længere tid.

Jobansøgninger, der ikke resulterer i ansættelse hos Stibo Systems, slettes senest 6 måneder efter modtagelsen. Undtagelser foretages, når en ansøger har givet samtykke til, at Stibo Systems opbevarer oplysningerne til fremtidige jobåbninger, f.eks. med det formål at opretholde en talentpulje.


Stibo Systems har implementeret sikkerhedsfunktioner for at forhindre uautoriseret frigivelse af eller adgang til personoplysninger. Den server, der er vært for webstedet, er f.eks. placeret off-site i et sikkert anlæg, hvor kun visse medarbejdere har adgang. Serveren har også firewalls designet til at beskytte den mod ekstern adgang og til at opdage eventuelle ubudne gæster. Enhver fjernadgang kræver adgangskode og browsersikkerhed. Vær dog opmærksom på, at fortroligheden af enhver kommunikation eller materiale, der overføres til eller fra Stibo Systems via dette websted eller e-mail, ikke kan garanteres. Derfor er Stibo Systems ikke ansvarlig for sikkerheden for oplysninger, der overføres via internettet. For mere privat kommunikation kan du kontakte Stibo Systems.


Dette websted kan også indeholde links til andre websteder eller reklamer for eller placeret af tredjeparter. Hvis du får adgang til et tredjepartswebsted fra et link på dette websted, er oplysninger, du afgiver på dette websted, ikke underlagt denne politik om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger. Stibo Systems er ikke ansvarlige for sådanne websteders, annoncørers eller tredjeparters fortrolighedspraksis eller for indholdet af sådanne websteder eller reklamer. Det er muligt, at disse links eller reklamer i sig selv kan bruges af tredjeparter eller andre til at indsamle personlige eller andre oplysninger om besøgende på webstedet. Stibo Systems er ikke ansvarlige for sådanne websteders eller tredjeparters fortrolighedspraksis eller indholdet på sådanne websteder. Stibo Systems kontrollerer ikke disse tredjeparters brug af cookies, indsamling af oplysninger eller håndtering af sådanne oplysninger. Det er udelukkende din forpligtelse at gennemgå og forstå disse andre websteders og tredjeparters praksisser og politikker om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger.


Du har ret til adgang til de personoplysninger, som vi behandler og gemmer om dig, med forbehold for visse lovbestemte undtagelser.

Du har desuden ret til at gøre indsigelse mod indsamling og videre behandling af dine personoplysninger. Endvidere har du ret til berigtigelse af dine personoplysninger eller til at kræve, at vi begrænser behandlingen af dine personoplysninger.

Hvis du beder om det, sletter vi de personoplysninger, som vi har indsamlet om dig, uden unødig forsinkelse, medmindre vi kan fortsætte behandlingen på et andet juridisk grundlag, f.eks. hvis behandlingen er nødvendig for at forsvare et juridisk krav eller for at besvare en forespørgsel fra dig.

Under visse omstændigheder kan du også anmode om, at vi giver dig et overblik over dine personoplysninger i et struktureret, almindeligt anvendt og maskinlæsbart format og bede os om at overføre sådanne data til en anden dataansvarlig.

Hvis du ønsker at udøve dine rettigheder som beskrevet ovenfor, eller hvis du har spørgsmål om Stibo Systems' indsamling og behandling af dine personlige data, bedes du kontakte os ved at følge dette link og udfylde kontaktformularen.

Du kan til enhver tid indgive en klage til den kompetente tilsynsmyndighed.


Stibo Systems indsamler de personlige oplysninger, du angiver, når du tilmelder dig et arrangement. Kategorierne af oplysninger kan omfatte: navn, titel, virksomhedsmail, virksomhedsnavn og eventuelle præferencer såsom madpræferencer og interesser/foretrukket session/spor ved arrangementet. Vi bruger disse oplysninger, da vi har en legitim interesse i at: organisere/planlægge arrangementet, give bekræftelse og relevante oplysninger om arrangementet samt vores produkter og tjenester. Ved disse arrangementer overfører vi muligvis, enten personligt eller virtuelt, de indsamlede personoplysninger til sponsorpartnere, som kan bruge disse oplysninger til markedsføringsformål.


Ved nogle arrangementer vil Stibo Systems udlevere RFID-badges til deltagerne. Dette giver deltagere mulighed for at få deres badge scannet af udstillere for at give samtykke til at modtage opfølgende kommunikation vedrørende arrangementet/sessionerne/produkterne eller tjenesterne. Bemærk, at dette er valgfrit, og alle deltagere kan nægte at få deres badge scannet.


Vi forbeholder os ret til at ændre denne politik om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger baseret på væsentlige ændringer i lovgivningen, nye tekniske løsninger, nye eller forbedrede funktioner samt forbedring af webstedet.


Privacy Notice for Stibo DX A/S (ENG)

Privacy Policy

Stibo DX cares for your privacy. This privacy policy covers what we collect and how we use, disclose, transfer, and store your personal data.

Identity of Stibo DX

Global headquarters:
Stibo DX A/S
Axel Kiersvej 11
DK-8270 Højbjerg

Find all our office locations here

If you wish to submit an inquiry regarding privacy or security matters, please send an email to or fill out the contact form here.

The goal of Stibo DX and its subsidiaries and affiliates, (collectively referred to as "Stibo DX") is to provide you with a personalized Internet experience that delivers the information, resources, and services that are most relevant and helpful to you. In order to achieve this goal, we may collect personal data during your visits to understand what differentiates you from each of our other users. This Privacy Statement discloses information regarding the gathering and dissemination practices of Stibo DX in connection with,, and all other World Wide Web sites owned or operated by Stibo DX (collectively, the "Site").

End user data from the website

Data is generated by you when you browse the Stibo DX Site or submit forms and give consent to receive marketing material, newsletters, or other forms of communication. The list below shows the type of personal data that is logged or sent to Stibo DX when you use the Site.

  • IP or MAC address

  • Click behaviour on the Site

  • Time of visit and referring location (e.g. the Site or page that offered a link to a Stibo DX page)

  • Browsing data, statistical data, and aggregated data on your page visits

  • Browser and device information

  • Information about marketing consent submitted through the Site

  • When you submit an online form we obtain the information you provide. This will typically be your name, e-mail address, phone number, title and the company you represent

  • CV, job application and other information you submit when you apply for a job with Stibo DX

We use this information for the following purposes

  • To personalize your experience on our Site and present you with relevant information

  • To continuously optimize and improve our Site and content based on the information and feedback we receive from you and your activity on our Site

  • To manage consents and subscriptions to our mailing lists

  • To respond to requests received through the Site

  • To be able to send you newsletters and other marketing material which you have consented to receive

  • To assess whether we want to offer you a job with Stibo DX

  • For the purpose of carrying out statistics and analytics

Legal basis

We process personal information for certain legitimate business purposes, which include the following:

  • Where the processing enables us to enhance, modify, personalize or otherwise improve our services / communications for the benefit of our customers

  • To better understand how people, interact with our Site

  • To determine the effectiveness of promotional campaigns and advertising

  • To respond to inquiries and requests

  • To manage consents and subscriptions to our mailing lists

Our legal basis for this processing is Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR.

Our legal basis for the processing related to sending you marketing material is your consent, cf. Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR. When processing is based on consent, you may at any time withdraw your consent by using the unsubscribe feature that you find in the bottom of all of our marketing communication or you can simply follow this link and use our contact form. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the withdrawal.

Our legal basis for assessment of your job application is your request to enter into a contract with Stibo Systems (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR).

Third parties

In connection with Stibo DX’s development, the company structure may change, e.g. full or partial sale of Stibo DX. In case of a partial hand over of assets containing personal data, the legal basis for the related disclosure of personal data is, as a general rule, Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR, as Stibo DX has a legitimate interest in handing over part of its assets as well as making commercial changes.

Aside from above, Stibo DX does, as a general rule, not sell, trade or otherwise disclose personally identifiable information to third parties. However, under certain circumstances and in accordance with applicable law, we may need to disclose your personal data to the police, lawyers, auditors, courts, public authorities or affiliated companies. To fulfill the purposes mentioned above, Stibo DX uses external partners who, on the basis of a contractual relationship with Stibo DX provide relevant services, e.g. marketing companies, IT solutions and hosting of the website. Such service providers will only process personal data in accordance with our instructions pursuant to the data processor agreements entered into.

Some of the third-parties who receive personal data are based in the US which has not been assessed by the EU Data Protection Board to have implemented sufficient data-protection legislation in relation to EU data-protection standards in countries outside the EU/EAA. However, US-based third-parties engaged with Stibo DX will have to comply with Standard Contractual Clauses to meet the requirement of requisite sufficiency in a country outside the EU/EEA.

Storage period

We keep personal data about customers, partners, and contractors for 3 years from termination of the business relationship. However, correspondence which is necessary for the purpose of documenting orders etc. and information which is a part of book keeping material is kept for 5 years from the closing of the current financial year to comply with requirements set out in applicable financial legislation.

If you have consented to receiving marketing material, we keep your personal data for 2 years from opt-out. We do this to ensure necessary documentation regarding the consent.

Personal data which we have received in relation to the organization of events, exhibitions or competitions will be deleted when the event, exhibition or competition has been held.

Job applications that you send to us will be stored for 6 months, unless you give us permission to retain your application for further use.

How information is protected

Stibo DX has implemented security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to personal data. For example, the server hosting the Site is located off-site in a secure facility, where only certain personnel have access. The server also has firewalls designed to protect it from outside access and to detect any intruders. Any remote access requires password and browser security. Please be advised, however, that the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to or from Stibo DX via this Site or e-mail cannot be guaranteed. If you need to send sensitive or otherwise confidential information to Stibo DX, you may contact Stibo DX.

Links to other websites

This Site may also contain links to other websites or advertisements for or placed by third parties. If you access a third-party website from a link on this Site, any information you disclose on that site is not subject to this Privacy Policy. Stibo DX is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites, advertisers, or third parties, or for the content of such websites or advertisements. It is possible that these links or advertisements, themselves, may be used by third parties or others to collect personal or other information about Site visitors. Stibo DX is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites, such third parties, or the content of such websites. Stibo DX does not control these third parties' use of cookies, collection of information, or how they manage such information. It is solely your obligation to review and understand the privacy practices and policies of these other websites and of these third parties.

Your rights

You have a right of access to the personal data, which we process and store about you, subject to certain statutory exceptions.

Furthermore, you have the right to object to the collection and further processing of your personal data. Moreover, you have the right to rectification of your personal data, or to require us to restrict the processing of your personal data.

If you so request, we will erase the personal data which we have registered on you without undue delay, unless we may continue the processing on another legal basis, e.g. if the processing is necessary to defend a legal claim or to answer on a request from you.

Under certain circumstances, you may also request that we provide you with an overview of your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and request us to transmit such data to another data controller.

If you wish to exercise your rights as described above or if you have any questions about Stibo DX’s collection and processing of your personal data, please contact us by following this link and filling out the contact form.

You may at any time lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

If you wish to submit an inquiry regarding privacy or security matters, please complete the form on this page.

Stibo DX's rights to change this privacy policy

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy based on substantial changes in the legislation, new technical solutions, new or improved functions and to improve the website.

Version 2, January, 2021


Privacy Notice for STIBO A/S

1. Contact details on Data Controller

Name and address
Axel Kiers Vej 11
DK‐8270 Højbjerg
CVR no.: 78603011

Tel. +45 89 39 88 88

2. Introduction

This privacy notice describes how Stibo A/S handles and processes personal information with regard to:

  • Visitors on the websites

  • Handling of inquiries received via e‐mail or online forms

  • Handling of job applications

3. Personal information

Stibo A/S protects and respects your personal information and rights to privacy. It is always our goal to handle personal information appropriately and in line with current data protection regulations including the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The purpose of this notice is to inform visitors on our websites, partners and job applicants about what personal information we collect and for what purposes.

3.1 – Collection and processing of personal information

Personal information is only collected to the extent necessary for the purpose for which it is being collected. The collection of personal information happens directly from you or the company or organization that you represent. We may collect the following information:

  • IP or MAC address

  • Click behaviour on the website

  • Time of visit and referring location (e.g. the Site or page that offered a link to a Stibo website)

  • Browsing data, statistical data and aggregated data on your page visits

  • Browser and device information

  • Information about marketing consent submitted through the website

  • When you submit an online form or otherwise contact us we obtain the information you provide. This will typically be your name, email address, phone number, title and the company you represent.

  • When you apply for a job with Stibo, we collect and process the information that you provide in your application, e.g. name, address, email address, phone number and CV.

We collect personal information when:

  • We receive an online inquiry from a form on the Stibo A/S website

  • You send an e‐mail to Stibo A/S or someone associated with Stibo A/S

  • You contact Stibo A/S by phone or otherwise makes an inquiry to Stibo A/S

  • You consent to receiving marketing material from Stibo A/S

  • You visit the website

  • You apply for a job with Stibo A/S

3.2 – Purposes for processing of personal information

Personal information is processed for the following purposes:

  • Managing and maintaining the Stibo A/S’s business relations

  • Evaluation, answering and following up on job applications

  • Operation and improvement of the website

  • Performing security assessments to ensure an appropriate level of IT security to protect your information and vital interests, e.g. to notify any relevant individuals or authorities in case of a data breach

  • Customer service and general communication

  • Establishment, exercise and defense of legal claims

  • Marketing purposes, including direct marketing

  • Surveys, statistics, development and protection of our services

  • Stibo A/S does not make any automated decisions based on personal information provided to us.

3.3 – Legal basis for processing personal information

The legal basis for processing personal information to the above purposes:

  • Performance of our contractual obligation, e.g. evaluation and responding to job applications and inquiries. Art. 6 (1) (b) of th GDPR

  • Where you have provided your consent for receiving information from Stibo A/S. Art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR

  • A legitimate interest where the purpose of processing is to improve our service and communication to the benefit of interested parties and visitors on the website. Art. 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR

  • Our obligation to notify the relevant supervisory authority and/or you in case of IT security incidents. Art. 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR

  • A legitimate interest in performing security assessments to ensure an appropriate level of IT security. Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

  • A legitimate interest in ensuring customer service ins general communication. Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

  • A legitimate interest in establishing, exercising or defending a legal claim. Art. 6(1)(f).

3.4 – Revocations of consent

Where the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the withdrawal.

3.5 – Protection of personal information

All personal information is stored in secure systems with user access control mechanisms. These systems are periodically checked, and all employees associated with Stibo A/S follow internal rules and procedures for handling personal information.

3.6 – Data retention

Personal information is stored as long as it is necessary for the purpose to which it has been collected. In some cases, the Stibo A/S has a legal obligation to store the information longer.

All received job applications that do not lead to employment will be stored for no longer than 6 months, unless you have provided your consent for a longer storage period. Exceptions are made where an applicant has provided a consent for Stibo Systems to keep the information for future job openings e.g. for the purpose of keeping a talent pool.

3.7 – Third parties

In connection with Stibo A/S’ development, the company structure may change, e.g. full or partial sale of Stibo A/S. In case of a partial hand over of assets containing personal data, the legal basis for the related disclosure of personal data is, as a general rule, Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR, as Stibo A/S has a legitimate interest in handing over part of its assets as well as making commercial changes.

Aside from above, Stibo A/S as a general rule never publishes, sells or discloses any personal information to a third party without your consent unless the company has a legal obligation to do so. However, under certain circumstances and in accordance with applicable law, we may need to disclose your personal data to the police, lawyers, auditors, courts, public authorities or affiliated companies.

To fulfill the purposes mentioned above, Stibo A/S uses external partners who, on the basis of a contractual relationship with Stibo A/S provide relevant services, e.g. IT solutions and hosting of the website. Such service providers will only process personal data in accordance with our instructions pursuant to the data processor agreements entered into.

Your personal data is not transferred to data controllers or data processors located outside the EU/EEA.

4. Your rights

With the limitations set forth in the GDPR, you can always submit a request to exercise your rights regarding your personal information. Depending on the situation, this includes the right to ask about what personal information Stibo A/S holds on you, to rectify any wrong personal information or ask to get your personal information deleted. You also have the right to restrict any processing of your personal information or to get a copy of your information.

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact Stibo A/S on the following e‐mail address:

5. Changes to this privacy notice

This privacy notice is updated occasionally when relevant.

6. Contact or complaints

If the above information leaves you with any questions, please send an e‐mail to or call Stibo A/S on phone no.: +45 89 39 88 88

You have a right to complain about our processing of your personal data to the Danish supervisory authority. If you wish to make a complaint to the Danish Supervisory Authority, you can find more information on how to do this by visiting


Version 3.2, 05 January 2021